"This what I tell you often, just keep riding …. And enjoy the change. You have the steering, you have brakes, accelerator, and clutch not to be under estimated. Still if you think like a 19 year guy who can win everything as if he can do everything with his youthful energy and he is the only one in this rat race, so he is bound to win, doesn’t happen with everyone. I am sure you would have mellowed down of late and hence will know the very much importance of clutches , if not brakes in life. Clutches help you ride smooth and safe. Doesn’t mean you are riding slow, just that you are not trying to drive ahead of time, because YOU Can’t. "
Its your decisions and not your conditions that chnage your destiny The secret of success is using PAIN and PLEASURE instead of pain and pleasure using you! If you do that you are in control , otherwise life is!! NOTHING IN LIFE HAS ANY MEANING EXCEPT THAT MEANIING YOU GIVE IT Things do not change, we change Its not actual pain that drives us but our fear that something will lead to pain Its not pleasure that dirves us, but our belief-our sense of certainity that somehow taking a certain action will ITS NOT THE EVENTS OF OUR LIFES THAT SHAPE US , BUT OUR BELIEFS AS TO WHAT THOSE EVENTS MEAN! BELIEFS ARE POWER TO CREATE AND POWER TO DESTROY! WE ARE WHAT WE ARE BECAUSE WE FIRST IMAGINED IT Achieveing our goals will never make us happy in the long run; It s who we become as we overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give us the deepest and most long lasting sense of fulfillment! A TRUE DECISION IS THE ONE YOU CAN ACT UPON, AND ACT UPON NOW!! Knowing what to do ...
did u get this idea of metaphorizing while riding :)
I love to drive ( my car), but unfortunately i didnt get this idea while driving.
Do visit my post and share your thoughts. I find it pointless to send a message to the mindless idiot who started the hate group on facebook atleast I could engage in a reasonable debate with you.