For a long time this Change blog has been throwing the Social topic to the backburner! After reading Sanjay's entry and his reference enteries so put as ( 1 , 2 ), and with the ongoing flux in my life, it seems my thoughts will spill on this blog too. Supressing my desires to start from Desmond Morris' View of The Naked Ape Trioligy and likes I will come straight to Drastic changes which are very visible all around. Not to leave the fact how Indian Socio-View is bursting at its seams and coming out. No its not just about DPS RKpuram delhi cock sucking MMS ( or the zillions of its equivalents available on demand), or mildly outrageous T-shirts (Must see link) being printed( ya i read about in a BT's article last fortnight, the article showing a bikini and George Bush, with pointers saying Good Bush Bad Bush)... Its a Big Change at very basic levels which is happening (has already gone a long way). The Change in the basic thought patterns. The Change in the percetion of e...
From NowHere to Now Here From Now here to NowHere