Yes!! You.. Any one reading this is tagged.. tagged to reply and free to tag just about anyone... You need to enlist n things that made you really happy and another m things that made you really cross and comepletely Upset in the last one week only. 1. Ok WTF are these N, M?? right?> Well these are just about any numbers.. any .. same or other wise. 2. WHY this?: Well there is a reason.. that will be told in the next post. ( yeah like all the great Miss-Trees, this one remains one..) Ok this tag does appear out of nowhere on my blog(s). As I am not the Tagg Tagg type of person, but there is more to this tag. Just that lifes funnie and my constant attmpt to unravel the mysteries of it is on!! Looking forward!!
From NowHere to Now Here From Now here to NowHere