Life's Meanings keep changing for all.. with time.. What It is ... has inspred,and made to perspire Plenty!! currently, I think its like a whole wide fertile universe.. for us to go out do anything.. just about anything... Strangely...we meet people, with VIEWS.. formed by seeing thier own ways and routes in the HUGE POTENT Universe.. and get biased maybe.. Some poeple get together at one place, in terms of their views and form civililazitons anywhere and everywhere in this Universe... they settle with thoughts and opnions...!! Till someone who is unahppy with a few things, tries walking out .. Ususally they discover another such civilisation... and go there and stay there for good or for some time.... Some .. when they move out, find that more than one such civilizations.. exist..and become confused... where to go!! and weigh and usually end up in one of the few they see.. and settle... Some Rare ones , have a little more energy, and climb up a huge mountain.. to try and SEE from ...
From NowHere to Now Here From Now here to NowHere