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Flags, boundaries, armies, Idiocracy

I am not sure if you have heard of the Movie Idiocracy  But watching the Political news around me makes me wonder so many times... on how the equation of smart and dumb people in the world stands? I am not a social scientist; but when I see people around me creating more and more divisions and boundaries, I feel we are heading the wrong way. For example, I have had very deviant views for words like Patriotism. The love of your country is what is usually means. But people interpret it as protection of their country from other countries! The only species to kill (not one) but many of its own. What about recognizing ourselves as one species inhabiting one planet. Do you think we can ever live as one? Why do we need someone above us? Why do we need rulers, presidents, prime ministers, etc. We cannot live on our own without wanting to kill each other for resources? What will bring our infighting down? Lower population, Aliens, appearance of GOD ? It is Sad
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Where am i

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